Bedroom design blunders to avoid

Bedroom design blunders to avoid

Posted by Cuddledown ‍ on

The bedroom is one of the most sacred places in the home, where we spend most of our time. It’s a room intended for rest and, as such, it must inspire calm and serenity. It is therefore important to adapt the design and decoration to our personal taste and needs. However, we could be making various mistakes in doing this, which doesn’t allow us to take full advantage of the room. That’s why there are some recommendations that should be taken under consideration when it comes to designing and making it to our liking, as well as making it comfortable and functional.

In this blog article we have compiled the most common errors to avoid when it comes to decorating your bedroom. 

Not taking the correct measurements

One of the most repeated errors that is seen in bedroom decor and design is buying furniture without taking into account the corresponding measurements of the space.

It’s a fatal error, since you end up wasting a lot of space and losing functionality.

In order to avoid this mistake, you should measure every space of the room in order to see its true potential before deciding on any furniture.

Putting fashion before comfort

You can decorate your bedroom with furniture that’s in fashion, but this doesn't mean it will always be comfortable. It’s important to remember that out of all the rooms in your home, your bedroom should be the most cosy and pleasant. Therefore, try to avoid buying trending objects just because, and have a think about their true functionality. 

Including the wrong lighting

Bad lighting is one of the main mistakes that many make, whether it’s very strong or too dim. Good lighting can provide you with a much cleaner and more harmonious environment, in addition to generating a perception of spaciousness in the room.

Besides the main light, include some lamps on the bedside tables (either to read or to watch your favourite series) that work as a more direct, but discreet focus. This way you won't disturb the rest of the sleepers.

Thinking that more is better

The last aspect with which you have to be very careful is the abuse of decorative objects. We all like to have personal objects, photos of our family or even accessories that combine with the furniture, but be careful: quantity does matter. If you are looking to create a stylish, cosy and functional space to unwind, the best option is to choose elements that match the style of the room, but without overdoing it. This way, the room will seem more spacious and clean.

Avoid turning your bed into an onion with lots of covers, blankets and bedspreads, or filling every corner of the room with cushions and decorative rugs. Choose your elements with taste and caution and in this way you will rest better.

Now that you know the main bedroom design blunders to avoid when decorating, it’s time to put them into practice.

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